


We provide all of our clients with broker trainings, which are individual business oriented and free of charge. We service trainings in the following fields:

  • Insurance management
  • Claim procedures management
  • Legal aspects of insurance
  • Liability of hospitals
  • Management of patient claims
  • Company liability

Our trainings are free of charge and provide an added value to insurance broker service.


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Allbroker Sp z.o.o.
ul. Złota 14a
60-592 Poznań

We are at your disposal

From Monday to Friday

From 8.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M.

Company data

NIP 7811756706

REGON 634637979

KRS 0000223218


Sąd Rejonowy w Poznaniu,

VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego

Initial capital: 50.000 PLN


Permission for insurance broker activity KNUiFE (Polish Financial Supervision Authority) No. 1362/2005 from 2005-01-17

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How can we help you?

Please fill in all mandatory fields tagged (*)

I'm looking for an experienced and effective insurance broker
Nieprawidłowe dane

I'm in need to a diligent/proffesional insurance audit.
Nieprawidłowe dane

I'm looking for a good insurance for my company
Nieprawidłowe dane

I’m looking for a good insurance for me
Nieprawidłowe dane

An indemnity was not pay out or was lowered by an insurer
Nieprawidłowe dane

Other reasons
Nieprawidłowe dane

Nieprawidłowe dane

Name and surname*(*)
Wpisz swoję imię i nazwisko

Phone number*(*)
Podaj prawidłowy numer telefonu

Company name
Nieprawidłowe dane

Podaj prawidłowy adres

Nieprawidłowe dane

I hereby agree for processing my personal data by Allbroker Sp. z o.o. for the purpose of insurance broker ativities.(*)
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